Going to Albania’s capital you’ll dig into the at various times of a nation that has seen serious unrest since it was established in the 1600s. Tirana has crumbling soviet-time structures, spic and span ventures and pleased notable landmarks next to each other, while the brilliant upland landscape that limits the city toward the east calls for investigation.
It may appear to be unusual to begin with a neglected building, however the Piramida is one of a kind. It’s a life-changing and socially critical working from 1987, finished not some time before the fall of socialism. It was expected as a historical center to respect the nation’s tyrannical despot Enver Hoxha who ruled from 1944-85, however normally these plans were torn up after 1990.
Dajti Ekspres
This link auto is a fun family day out and a sublime prologue to the city, taking you up by gondola to the emotional mountain on Tirana’s eastern edge. The link auto traverses a kilometer, making it the longest in the Balkans, and rises in excess of 800 meters up the mountainside.
Skanderbeg Square
This is the place Tirana’s chief landmarks are altogether collected, including the Clock Tower, Et’hem Bey Mosque and the National History Museum. It is named after George Castriot, an Albanian national legend, credited with stopping the progress of the Ottoman Empire into focal Europe.
National Historic Museum
One thing’s without a doubt – Tirana and Albania have an exceptionally convoluted past. So in the event that you require a state of section this is the place to get some specific circumstance. The historical center is composed by structures, each covering an alternate period in the area’s history, from old circumstances up to the 21st century.
Dajti Mountain National Park
In Europe it’s surprising to locate a national stop appropriate on the doorstep of a capital city, so don’t leave behind the opportunity to wander out further into the mountain extend that structures Tirana’s eastern limit. On the off chance that you need to truly get out and encounter the regular view here, take the trail that associates Mount Dajti with Mount Tujani, which ascends to 1,580 meters.